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Vote for Justice - Introduction.

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Vote4Justice - Introduction

Dr. Richard I. Fine explains how for the first time through a single web site: (1)  you can expose, fight and solve judicial corruption; (2) directly contact your county, state and federal representatives; (3) demand that they take action;  and (4) inform them that you will vote them out at the next election if they refuse. 

Campaign for Judicial Integrity

Vote4Justice - Richard Fine/Judicial Corruption.  The story of  Dr. Richard I. Fine, his fight against corruption in both the California and Federal judiciary and the resulting  formation of the Campaign for Judicial Integrity. ​

Consequences of Judicial Corruption-Case Study.

Vote4Justice- Dr. Richard I. Fine Interview of William Goble. William Goble's case demonstrates that no one can get a fair trial before Judges who receive illegal payments and Retroactive Immunity from Criminal Prosecution.  William Goble's Case demonstrates that a Person will Not Get a Fair Trial or a Fair Appellate Court Hearing from Judges who receive Illegal Payments from Counties and Retroactive Immunity from Criminal Prosecution under SBX 211.​




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